Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So, I finally whipped my lazy butt to start my official food blog. Well, first off ---My name is Eva and I am aspiring to become a food scientist/chef and open my very own bakery in about 10 years. Uh.. no! I am not just saying that. I will do as I say. And just watch.. next thing you know I will be all over the media as a world-renowned baker!(; Maybe not world-renowned.. but gotta dream big right? (hehe) Anyways, I started this blog simply because of my love for baking and eating (haha). On a daily basis, I spend hours reading food blogs and just fantasize myself traveling to all the places they are reviewing and eat my heart out. I say, why not contribute to this awesome food blogging dealio.. and here I am.

Mm ok, this is going to be a rather short first post (stupid organic chem). Lastly, I have a little disclaimer to make ---I am no food expert nor food critic (though I wish I am) nor a good writer (sadly). Thanks for keeping up with my spontaneous train of thoughts and stay tune for updates about my cooking& eating adventures around the Los Angeles and San Diego area. :D

1 comment:

  1. Eva, your blog is very lovely! It took me forever too to just win over procastination and start my blog. It's a lot of work but also soooo much fun. Let me know if you find yourself in Norther California sometimes
